
You need to set an API endpoint URL before usage

Gitlab.endpoint = ''

Setting GitLab user's private token (not required for session)

Gitlab.private_token = 'qEsq1pt6HJPaNciie3MG'


Optionally you can set sudo parameter to perform API calls as another user

Gitlab.sudo = 'other_user'

To disable it

Gitlab.sudo = nil


You can set different configuration values for each client

client1 = Gitlab.client(endpoint: '', private_token: 'user-001')
client2 = Gitlab.client(endpoint: '', private_token: 'user-002')

Environment variables

Gitlab uses GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT and GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN environment variables by default.

Ruby on Rails

Create file config/initializers/gitlab.rb and insert the following code into. Edit where necessary.

Gitlab.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint       = ''
  config.private_token  = ''
  config.user_agent     = 'Custom User Agent'

Usage Info